IDP voices - Shanmuganathan Sathianathan
I lived in Skanthapuram and worked in Mallavi. I lived at the work place during the week and came home only on Sundays. I worked for a big shop in Mallavi. That shop displaced in August to Kilinochchi and we continued to work in that displaced shop in Kilinochchi. Then due to shelling in Kilinochchi the shop was wound up after shifting everything away from Kilinochchi. We are not setting up shop again because we are not sure that we are safe from aerial bombing because there has been a lot of bombing lately.
 Twelve people worked in the shop and the shop owner paid out more than 100,000 rupees per month as salaries. We were paid well and we were also given food. My employer, the shop owner, lost a great deal due to the shift twice and setting up the shop again. He could close the shop but he had tried to keep it running in order to give us all work. From now on we will have no work. I have six children two died earlier. My family also displaced from Skanthapuram and we were living behind the central college and the shell noise was terrible so we displaced again.
23 September 2008